updates coming soon
9 AM Arrival, registration & coffee
Session 1:
Session 1:
Session Chair:
Session Chair:
9:45 AM
9:50 AM
10:10 AM
10:30 AM
10:50 AM
11:10 AM
Session 2:
Session 2:
Session Chair:
Session Chair:
11:25 AM
11:45 AM
12:05 PM
12:25 PM
Lunch, networking and poster session
Lunch, networking and poster session
12:45 PM Lunch & posters
Plenary speaker
Plenary speaker
15:00 PM
Session 3: Neuronal development and differentiation
Session 3: Neuronal development and differentiation
Session Chair: Jonny Nixon-Abell
Session Chair: Jonny Nixon-Abell
15:40 PM
16:00 PM
16:20 PM
16:40 PM
17:00 PM Drinks reception.
After drinks we have space reserved at BrewYork Walmgate (directions here) for anyone wanting food with friends & colleagues before heading home.